Connected Papers

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In some fields like Machine Learning, so many new papers are published it’s hard to keep track. With Connected Papers you can just search and visually discover important recent papers. No need to keep lists.

Start with the references that you will definitely want in your bibliography and use Connected Papers to fill in the gaps and find the rest!

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Dr. MrCB

EEWOWW: Platform tool that organize your ideas!

There are too many tools that can be used as a research platform to facilitate researchers in their research management such as citation, originality check, reference, tagging, etc. Thus, I would like to introduce and share some beautiful features of EEWOWW platform which is an online tool that keep your sources of inspiration in one place and organize them any way you want.

Figure 1: Embedded citation tool from EEWOWW as icon in Microsoft word

Figure 2: Various of documents search engine such as in IEEE, Elsevier and etc

Figure 3: Example of real time originality check between microsoft word and embedded citation tool

Figure 4: Completed report on originality checked utilizing EEWOWW platform.

Just as a reminder related to originality checked it is not determined how we plagiarism but to help us to improve our writing either in journal and proceeding. Enjoy learning.
Visit  for more information.

Mohd Rashidi Che Beson